Womens Clinic in Pretoria

Womens Clinic in Pretoria

We provide safe and affordable women’s health and abortion services in Pretoria. Our Abortion services are provided in a compassionate, discreet and non-judgmental environment. Abortions are performed from 1 weeks to 24 weeks gestation. Our goal is to treat you with compassion and competence, ensuring that the abortion is done under the safest conditions with your health as our priority. This procedure should not interfere with your having children in the future should you decide to do so. womens clinic in Pretoria

Our top-notch facilities are equipped to provide all the preliminary medical testing, counselling and treatment services. Before we carry out medical procedures, our clients has the opportunity to meet with a registered medical doctor to discuss patients’ decision and options. Womens clinic in Pretoria

The doctor will start with the medical consultations,pregnancy Sonar and or Urine Pregnancy test-gives you the pills under your tongue, and wait for bleeding to start within 1 hour .

Once you start bleeding per Vaginam; the surgical evacuation of the uterus will commence in the procedure room.

Our medical professionals are highly skilled in their specialized medical fields that are not available in most medical facilities in Johannesburg. Our medical experts will perform these specialized procedures which required the highest level of expertise and training.

Womens Clinic in Pretoria

Our womens clinic in Pretoria medical doctor and clinical support staff at Women’s Clinic in Johannesburg will answer all questions that you may have to help you decide which of these health services you chose as itemized below.

  • Sonar
  • Womens Health Services
  • Abortion Services